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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where Is The Outrage On The Left

(That is the Obama mailer in Kentucky)
Remember all that outrage from the moonbats about that Mike Huckabee Christmas ad with the bookshelf in the background that resembled a cross, well where is the outrage over all the Obamesiah imagery being shoved down our throats? Well I hate to inform the moonbats that Obama is not the saviour of anything but the socialists' hope for change to Marxism and faith in big government which is what the moonbats want.
Cap'n Ed posted this amusing parody.

Here is that Huckabee ad for reference


Anonymous said...

I can tell you one difference - the Religious Right really _believes_ that religious stuff. The religious Left doesn't - or at least, recognizes that religion can't get in the way of _real_ stuff. You know...separation of church and state. The religious right believes that their religion actually affects their thoughts and actions in everything they undertake. The religious left believes that you leave religion at the church door.
Well, except if you're a communist like Obama - then it's ok to insert it into politics.

The Griper said...


in other words you are saying that the religious right actually practices what he preaches but the religious left only preaches but doesn't practice it in real life.

Anonymous said...

The left sees religion as "the opiate of the people" and uses it accordingly. The left can't impose it's program on the US without war - unless it can insinuate itself below the level of consciousness. To do so, it becomes like the chameleon, and assumes camoflaging color - in this case, the color of religion. Saul Alinsky used this principle to organize rebellion, and taught his disciples to use it. Hillary was a disciple in his lifetime, Obama was a follower afterward. Check out "Rules for Radicals", if you're not already familiar with it.