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Monday, May 19, 2008

War Costs

One of the favorite memes of the the anti=war liberals like Obama is that we are spending billions of dollars in the Iraq war that we could be using to fund all their groovy socialist programs instead. What they don't tell you is that the vast majority of those funds goes to pay the soldiers and to purchase the necessary equipment needed. The last time I checked that means that money is going right back into the US economy and helps create and maintain manufacturing jobs here. A large portion of the money that does go to Iraq is used to purchase military equipment and other goods and services from American suppliers. Even if we did bring all those soldiers home from Iraq we would still be paying them a salary and purchasing equipment so there would not be any great amount of money being saved to spend on all those nifty programs that Obama has proposed so it is a false meme.


The Griper said...

don't forget all the money spent on domestic issues also. issues that would be considered as in the self-proclaimed domain of liberals here, like the rebuilding of the schools and seeing to it girls have equal opportunity to boys. free medical and if one delved into it they could find plenty where the money is spent on what would be called liberal policies.

The Griper said...

"One of the favorite memes of the the anti=war liberals like Obama"

most are not anti-war, they are anti-victory. if they were anti-war they'd be against the war in afghanistan also and they are not. only pacifists can justifiably be anti-war.

think about it, my friend, we don't want war either we want victory over the insurgents.

as for moneys spent don't forget the moneys spent on programs over there that are within the self-proclaimed domain of the liberals.

Anonymous said...

>>Even if we did bring all those soldiers home from Iraq we would still be paying them a salary and purchasing equipment>>

Not entirely...there are a lot of reservists who are being paid who would not be paid by the military otherwise. Still, your point is a good one, and I think it's odd that people don't recognize that the "cost of a war" is at least partially an accountant's gimmick - that is, the military generally is a "cost of defense" until we're actually in a war, then it's a "cost of xxx war". Although there are _some_ expenses that are unique to the conflict - more equipment replaced than would be normal,e.g. - there are a _lot_ of expenses that we'd be incurring anyway.