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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hooker Chic For Little Girls

This is insane, dressing little girls to look like women of the night, Michelle has the story. I know my mom and sister have gone rounds with my sister-in-law over buying tacky inappropriate clothes for my niece and will not tolerate it. My niece is pretty enough without makeup and hooker-glam clothes and high heels. Can I go barf now? Little girls are not supposed to be sex objects unlike how Beyonce and her mother would like to portray them! Parents it is up to you to protect and educate your little angels in this sex obsessed culture by saying NO!


shoprat said...

But Mohammad and his perverted followers might enjoy it. One more reason not to do it.

Anonymous said...

Goat, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to find modest clothing for girls over the age of seven. I've made comments to more than one store owner about this. Have you ever heard Laura Ingraham discuss this issue? This is an excellent post!
It stunns me that any mother would willingly teach her daughter to dress this way.

Tapline said...

Goat, You are so right....shameful....

Gayle said...

It's not only shameful, it's also dangerous. Why let your daughter go out there and attract pedophiles? Good Lord, doesn't anyone have any sense anymore?

Goat said...

Pinky, how any mother could dress their daughter like this is so far beyond me I will never comprehend it.
Gayle you are correct that it is dangerous.

Roadhouse said...

I have a four year old girl and another baby on the way. When we shop for our daughter, we are amazed at what is being put on the shelves for public consumption. Even Wal-mart stocks high-heel toddler shoes, and don't even get me started on "Bratz" dolls and the slutification of "Barbie" dolls. We do alot of our shopping at a conservative mom and pop clothing store in our town that even attracts our large Mennonite population. It's a bit more expensive, but we don't have much choice if we don't want our daughter dancing on a pole somewhere.

The Griper said...

my question. where are the fathers? don't they have any say anymore in how their daughters dress?