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Thursday, September 08, 2005

The America I Know

A great piece from Marvin Olasky about the individual efforts in the wake of disasters especially this one, individuals that are able to help are, many going far above and beyond the call.

Before expressing disgust with America, please spend a couple of hours reading through Internet postings like this one: "We are a family of five. ... We have a very small room with a bed and two small dressers that we will offer to you so that you can get back on your feet. You will be welcome at our family table. ... We don't have much money after the bills are paid, but we'll happily share whatever we can. We don't expect you to pay us, and we won't expect you to leave quickly. It takes time to rebuild, and we'll give you that time."

1 comment:

Goat said...

Remember our Sheepdog is there doing the Lord's work so I hope the rest of you will fill in for him here and send your prayers there.