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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday This and That

I see Lisa finally came out of hibernation to post a great article about Mitt Romney, the NewsMax article is a must read for those taking a close look at Mitt and his bid to lead America. The story about tracking down a partner's missing daughter is a perfect example of Mitt and one he should tell from the stump and I am sure it had a powerful impact on him to find her in the condition they did. The man has a positive resume' a mile thick and is by far the most qualified candidate in the field.
Meanwhile Fred Thompson continues a non-campaign and chooses an open-border, pro-Islamist as a campaign manager, Spencer Abraham. Debbie Schlussel has the scoop.(hattip:HotAir)

He hasn't entered the Presidential race yet, but Fred Thompson, yesterday, showed us why he's the scariest Republican Presidential candidate. And maybe the scariest of both parties.
Don't believe Thompson's claim that he understands
the Islamist jihadist threat to America. His announcement, yesterday, of his choice of Spencer Abraham as campaign manager, told us everything we need to know. Although Abraham, of Lebanese descent, is a Christian, he is a career water carrier for Islamists of the most extremist stripe and made that the cornerstone of his failed, one-term Senate career and equally lousy tenure as Energy Secretary.

Fred seems to have already started losing any steam he had as stories like this get out along with his playing with primary voters in some sort of crazy cat and mouse game. I will add that his best bud and fellow maverick in the Senate was John McCain, so who might be his running mate? At least Mitt never worked for or was paid by the abortion industry, cavorted around Hollywood like a playboy and certainly doesn't hire pro-islamists to run his campaign. There are three true conservatives running, Mitt, Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee, Rudy has some issues but is still more of true conservative than Fred from what my research is uncovering. I think he knows he can't jump over the bar set for him among the conservative faithful and that is why he isn't trying very hard to by jumping in and running with the dogs. He thinks he is to good to actually campaign and the draft Fred movement is all he needs, well he has another think coming. Instead of the big strong conservative savior he seems more like an overpuffed marshmallow RINO and without the stage make up quite unhealthy looking. This is not meant as an attack on Fred but as a warning to my fellow conservatives to be careful and do some research.

Well under all the pressure from the Milbloggers, one Pv2,latrineboy, steps forward from the grease pit of the motor pool to claim the postings at the New Republic, apparently one Pv2 Beauchamp entered the Army with visions of writing a warped story of the war following the narrative of his dreams and becoming a future John Kerry. Sounds like he spends his time doing oil changes and ridden hard by his PFC. If you have been following the story, you know where to go for info. His fiance' is on staff at the New Republic, hmm. Michelle Malkin is probably the best place to start. Even his "creative writing" on his now uncovered blog reveals a sensationalist unbounded by fact. He entered the Army in order to write a book bashing it and now sweats in the oilpit, no wonder he tries to bash a Bradley driver, I bet that driver was giving him a bunch of grief, same with the other tales. I bet he the pushup master though and has to wear that grease button on the tip of his nose.
Update: Angel has another good post up, some New Yorkers get it.


Trader Rick said...

Well, Goat, I guess you've abandoned your policy of bashing other repub candidates. Running Scared? Supporting a liberal like Romney for POTUS goes against everything you've shown you stand for in your blog...What's up with that?

WomanHonorThyself said...

hello my friend...ah sigh..very disappointed in Fred too!
..have a super weekend despite all the insanity around us!

Avi said...

I'm still undecided as to who should be the head of the GOP. Anyways, have a great weekend!

Gayle said...

I'm also having second thoughts about Fred, but I'm not sure yet. I do like Romney, but I also like Gingrich, although Gingrich said he wouldn't run if Fred did, but he didn't say why.

It's all so confusing!

Goat said...

Rick, I am not bashing Fred, I am reporting things about him that bother me. He has not been good on the stump, has alot of skeletons and seems more a likeable teddybear than a conservative warrior. Mitt has run and founded multi-billion dollar organizations, saved the Olympics and Taxachusetts, has a large very devoted family and is very deeply faithful. He fought gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research. Supports growing and supporting our military and fighting the Jihadis and is committed to lowering taxes. How does Mitt not fit what I blog about? Mitt encapsulates what my blog represents, small government conservatism devoted to faith and family and above all dedication to America and Her security, fiscally,physically and socially.
Gayle, Newt wants a policy position where he can dream up his big ideas and implement them. He does not want the hot seat of the Prez, he wants to be the guy whispering in the Prez's ear. I could handle that, I love his solutions based ideas. He would be in my cabinet if I was the next GOP Prez but I won't be so ...

Goat said...

mY support for Mitt gets stronger not weaker by the day as the Thopmpson and McCain support, senate buds, seems to be, microscopic when it comes to funds. Rick if your topic is abortion Sam Brownback not Fred is your man. From what I have found just in minimal searches Fred is not a conservative , he is a playboy libertarian.

Trader Rick said...

I have no problems with Playboys or Libertarians, except for the drugs...