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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Al Gore Set To Launch $300,000,000 Propaganda Campaign Supporting A Myth

Ole hot air himself Al Gore is set to spend a chunk of change in an effort to force feed his disproven baloney to us about global warming once again. Heck he even compared us sceptics or deniers, I like to say realists, to those that believe the moonlandings didn't happen and the flatearthers of centuries past. Here's news for you Al, I am not in that category, I actually paid attention in science classes and did very well plus my uncle worked for NASA in Huntsville at the time of their Apollo program. I am not a sceptic because I am stupid and ill-informed I am a realist because I am curious as an avid outdoorsman and believe we should protect the environment in a responsible way so I do my own research and its not hard to find with that wonderful internet thingy you helped invent. I also know a bit about the green community as a former member of the Sierra Club, and contributer to the Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund. I personally lead a very green lifestyle, I recycle, compost and add very very little actual garbage, and do everything a good greenie should do because I choose to.
I have no problem with being clean and green till the proposed solutions cause major problems with the economy, the environment and even the food supply and are based on scaremongering lies. Heck even the MSM is starting to notice the pipe dream of biofuels as food prices jumped up and even to start noting some actual scientists that are sceptics. Here's some news for you ethanol heads, it's a carbon based fuel just like gasoline, with the exception of elementals, hydro-carbons make all of life on earth and are the basic building blocks of energy and life.
I also paid enough attention to learn that the oceans, the sun, and various other gravitational related forces cause weather patterns, ie climate changes. I have learned lots about ocean currents, tectonic movement, sun spots, variations in orbit by the moon and heating and cooling cycles since the earth was formed. It is because of my knowledge that I am a sceptic of your claims Mr Gore and I would suggest it is your sycophants that are ignorant and close-minded. Here's the deal Al, if even this third rate blogger and lowly blue collar contractor can see through your scam, anybody can and their eyes are open, so your boondoggle has a major problem.
Al that $300,000,000 would do alot to help our National Parks if you really want to help the environment.
Update: A Barnyard welcome to readers of Tom Nelson's.


Ron Simpson said...

Or he could give some to me. I need to pay off some debt.

The Griper said...

awww come on goat, don't you know by now that money spent by the likes of him is money well spent?
i speak only of the truth. if you can't believe me then ask any of his followers, they'll say the same thing.

ohh and btw, any money spent by the likes of us is wasting money too. that is another truth they'll confirm.

as you can see i am for spending money to protect the environment but against spending money to protect our troops even though i support them.

i guess what it adds up to is that i support the troops but do not support what they were trained to do, wage war.

and i am willing to take money from businesses so that i can spend it to put them out of business.

now that has to make sense because gore and all say it does, right?

Goat said...

Griper, I will need a team of donkeys to dislodge your tongue from your cheek with that one,
Ron, I agree.

Michael said...

Here's some news for you ethanol heads, it's a carbon based fuel just like gasoline

I've never quite understood the fascination of ethanol as a fuel.

Aside from the fact that corn and wheat are the staple of the world's food supply, and can't be in two places at once (that's why food prices have jumped!), they're expensive to distill (which means that fuel prices will also jump; great plan, Al!).

What I really don't understand is why people have never really looked at the obvious alternative: propane.

Yes, it's a carbon fuel (they all are, as you astutely pointed out), but it burns cleaner than gasoline, and it's distilled cheaply from pig manure, so it won't infringe on the food supply.

And it's not like it isn't a viable fuel; industrial forklifts, for example, frequently run on propane.

Tapline said...

Goat, haven't you heard.....the earth is cooling, again....as was talkied about and movies made about in the 70's,,I don't think it was Al's money he was talking about....it was ours.......,stay well....