Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: Obama's Wright:Updated

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama's Wright:Updated

With the wacky pastor back on the scene with a couple big appearances over the last few days I listened to a couple of his speeches and sermons and put two and two together. Wright is simply spewing the typical rhetoric of the moonbat left and glossing it up with some Biblical imagery. Its the same rhetoric you hear and see at anti-war rallies, the same conspiracy theories that run rampant around the nutroots of the left, the same support for communist dictators. This is what the left believes so it easy to see how Obama as a far leftist who surrounded himself with far leftist friends and associates could be a longstanding patron of Wright's church and not find what he was saying offensive. What Wright says is not too different from what unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers says in a speech in 2007, this is what the far left believes and Barack is their man. What Obama didn't realize was that outside of the elite echo box of the academic left that a vast majority of Americans would find those views disgusting like the telling "bitter" gaffe to the elite uber-rich left at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco.
He has been exposed as the far left liberal he is and now the far left is furious that we would even bring it up like its not relevant or something to his policies.

Update: Allahpundit clipped footage of Obama's press conference today about his crazy uncle's antics, they stung him bad politically and now he has to throw that crazy uncle under the bus.

Link: sevenload.com


Gayle said...

Yep, the crazy "uncle" and grandma are now under the bus. Or was it his mother? I'm having a hard time keeping up!

Perhaps we should be grateful to that maniac Wright. As one blogger said, he's saved the GOP millions in anti-Obama ads. :)

Goat said...

It is their words Gayle

Anonymous said...

I think it's too little, too late.
Yep, the GOP should be thankful, indeed.
Let's just hope it continues somehow.

Trader Rick said...

Wright is not crazy or whacky. He is a brilliant, cold, caculating, racist-Marxist anti-civilization radical, capable of mesmorizing his adoring sheep. Reminds one of Hitler, in some ways. Don't underestimate our enemies. He may act the fool, but he is a dangerous and capable adversary.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Wright is the gift that keeps on giving. Now apparently Obama has been forced to deny his soul brother to cover his own butt. It just keeps getting worse for poor Barack...heh