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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Long Awaited Pennsylvania Showdown: Updated

It is stiil fairly early but it has been called for Clinton though she will make up little in the delegate count she may close the gap quite a bit in the popular vote count which will be the gist of her argument to the super-delegates. The only interest I really have is seeing Barack and Hillary continue to bloody each other up and disgust the general electorate for a couple more months as more and more comes out about Barack and his radical associates and politics.
Glancing around Politico's county by county breakdown Hillary has kicked his butt in all but one small county that is the heart of Philly with about 50% of the vote counted.
Update: Well it looks like Clinton has erased Barack's popular vote lead or put a very serious dent in it depending on how you interpret Real Clear Politics' tally of previous primaries. Bottom line, it ain't nowhere near being over, I guess Operation Chaos could be deemed a success.


Trader Rick said...

Fox News is reporting that the Hussein camp is planning on attacking Hillary on the scandals of the Clinton Administration. If so, she will counter attack, it will get vicious, and provide the Republicrats with needed fodder for the General Election. Maybe Super-B. can penetrate some of the Irish lad's teflon armour...HAHAHAHAHAHA...

It does this old heart good to see these two anti-American Marxists beat each other up.

Gayle said...

And so it goes and keeps on going, Goat! LOL! It's indeed a wondrous thing.

Operation Chaos may have helped, but Obama did his part by sticking both of his feet in his mouth in San Francisco. :)