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Friday, April 04, 2008

More On Muslims Leaving Islam

I linked to an article by Chuck Colson the other day on the huge numbers converting to Christianity from islam. Andrew Walden also has a piece on this and takes a deeper look at the hows and whys of this interesting news in light of the news that muslims had passed the number of Catholics. Catholics are but one sect of Christianity as whole though so the Christian body is much larger than the islamic umma.

Pope Benedict’s choice to publicly baptize the most prominent Muslim in Italy, Egyptian-born Magdi Allam, highlights a quiet worldwide exodus from Islam. In recent years, millions have moved on. With this high-profile action, Pope Benedict demonstratively blesses this massive conversion from the highest levels of the Church.

Interviewed by al-Jazeera in 2006, Ahmad al-Qataani, leader of the Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, explains the decline:

Islam used to represent … Africa’s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non-Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century.

On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.

As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed.


Gayle said...

I am very happy to see those numbers of Muslims converting to Christianity, Goat. Thanks for publishing this! :)

Goat said...

It is important and interesting news Gayle, people don't like to be forced and bullied into worship and that is islam. Once they see the truth that is islam and the Truth that is Christ the switch is logical. 9/11 had one positive, it caused the world to take a hard look at islam and what it really is and what that means to free people.

The Griper said...

you know, this may be irrelevant to the issue now but it does make me question the intent of muhammad ali now. and this does not take any respect away from him as a boxer.

but if we go back and read again his remarks they seem to reflect the attitude of the extremists today.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I saw this article on the Voice of the Martyrs website. Very good news indeed!