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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Will You Wait For Me Forever?

The hookline from a Stratovarius song "Forever"....Only Christ can do that . Only He can offer eternity. I know if I did not have Him to hold me in check I would either explode or implode into self-destruction. I am a builder, creator, not a demolitionist like our recent SCOTUS seems to be. I rely on my hands to feed me in every way and it is through His gifts I have traveled where I have,I cannot play a song but I can make a guitar sound good. I learned from the heart and mind. I can play an acoustic till my fingers bleed and I could not play you the most recognized song. You get the Goat, pure and not so simple.

Two must gotos, www.soldiersangels.com and www.frogfriends.com . Support our folks in harms way, adopt one or a platoon. Support for families of those lost in this noble conflict can be supported and other info can be found at these sights on what we can do as patriot civilians to support our finest.

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