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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Code Pinkos Wonder Why They Were Kicked Out Of Senate Hearing

They had on their nifty costumes and complained about being singled out for removal. I guess they don't understand that the public is allowed to quietly observe Senate hearings not to disrupt them. A Fox news blogger was there with video camera in hand to record the hissy fit, I couldn't figure out how to embed it so you'll have to head over to Griff's to see it, pretty hysterical. I bet the Capitol police are getting very tired of Code Pinko's shenanigans. Hattip to Allahpundit for the link and picture.


shoprat said...

Code Pink has their own laws and have no regard for anyone else's.

Goat said...

Yep their right to free speech trumps all others.

Anonymous said...

Goat, they look like the fools they are in those getups. Must be a pretty funny video clip...heh
I hope they went home and wept into their pillows at the embarrassment.

Trader Rick said...

I really feel sorry for that lady who claims she didn't speak. She hasn't a clue as to what's going on, on this planet...

Looks like this is the usual gang of suspects...

Anonymous said...

Those are some attractive ladies...yeah.
Really accomplishing a lot in this life. Sad, sad existence.