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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Newt's Bullet Points

Newt calls them his red, white and blue platforms and all candidates and their supporters should check them out. He hits every issue critical to America today with a bunch of ideas to begin the conversation to find real solutions for our challenges of the future and problems of today. This is a platform any smart pol could run on and win, I sure don't see anything this comprehensive and solid coming from the left.


There are certain values that unite a large majority of Americans.

It is vital to have an organization in this country to pursue the goal of strengthening and revitalizing America’s core values.

Our focus should clearly be to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes.

It is important to move the government into the 21st century.

There will be incredible possibilities to meet our country’s challenges in a variety of fields because in the next 25 years, there will be 4-7 times the amount of new technology and science in the world.

We should dramatically increase our investment in math and science education.

Everyone needs to be involved in the scale of change needed in America.

We clearly need to change the way the government operates by bringing in ideas and systems currently employed in the private business sector.

He then goes on to lay it out in some detail and Mitt Romney is the only one hitting many of the same points. Mitt and Newt are the big thinkers in the GOP always coming with new ideas, some good some bad but for the most part very good. That last sentence in the graph I highlighted says it all, Mitt Romney knows how, could a nod of support be around the corner?


Tapline said...

He has some good ideas, but he hasn't touched on the current issues that divide Americans today. Immigration and the Iraq war. Both are not headlines in the papers at this time. All is quiet on the Middle-Eastern front. and the border agents are still in jail and the border is still being breached, WE are still not a supporting our current immigration laws. and it continues....stay well......

Goat said...

Tapline, do you mean Mitt or Newt? Either way both have spoken extensively on the topics you mentioned.Both are profence and enforcement and very pro win the war.