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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Some Interesting Statistics

Newt Gingrich's American Solutions conducted a series of polls over the last few months and the results are truly staggering as they demonstrate where the mainstream of American thought is. This country is much more united than divided on many key issues mostly ignored by the MSM and the Democrats.

America's Most Widely Held Views

96% It is important for the President and Congress to address the issue of social security in the next few years.

95% We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations.

94% Children should be allowed a moment of silence to pray to themselves in public school if they desire.

93% Al Qaeda poses a very serious threat for the United States.

93% In the worker visa program, each worker should take an oath to obey the United States law, and to be deported if the worker commits a crime while in the United States.

93% It is important to acknowledge today that the reference to God in the Declaration of Independence – that we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

92% Our focus should clearly be to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes.

91% We should dramatically increase our investment in math and science education.

91% We should hold city governments to the same standards for cleaning waste water as are applied to the private industry.

90% We favor a law that allows public school children to take a moment of silence for prayer if they desire.

90% We approve of a Christmas tree or a Menorah being placed on public property during the holiday season.

90% We should give tax credits to homeowners and builders who incorporate alternative energy sources in their homes, like solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

View Newt's presentation on video here.


Anonymous said...

i read this, too, and traced out everything i could find on it. i love it. not exactly the ideas put forth by the dems, now, is it?

Goat said...

Key me to any could stuff you found, eh.

Goat said...

could=good, beer break.

Anonymous said...

i'll send you an email at some point over the weekend.

i actually understood what you meant - LOL