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Friday, November 16, 2007

Stark Contrast

Mike Yon has a new dispatch from Baghdad and the first Mass conducted at the newly reopened St. John's and attended by not only the local Christians and members of our Armed Forces but by their Muslim neighbors. The message was one of happiness and reconciliation as the Muslims asked their Christian neighbors who had fled AQ's violence to return home and in many cases had protected those homes for their friends and neighbors.

The interpreter “Ice,” pictured here with members of the congregation outside St John’s after mass, grew up in this neighborhood. His family is Christian and St. John’s is their church. I asked Ice if the Muslims treat the Christians poorly in Iraq, and he said what other Iraqi Christians and Muslims have also told me: an unequivocal “No.” Ice said they had no problems at all until al Qaeda instigated friction between people.
The gratitude is palpable among the Iraqis now freed from first Saddam and then AQ. So how do the Democrats repay that gratitude? With yet another attempt to abandon the Iraqi people to the thugs by pulling the troops and cutting funds, they can't stand the thought that George Bush could get the victory that he, the troops and the Iraqi people deserve. They are so invested in losing that they are actively trying to lose to the terrorists, well that's what losers do. They have sent another funding bill with timelines attached without a veto proof majority and Bush will veto it of course and the Dems will stall again with troops in the field at war with a dangerous enemy by playing political games. This will backfire on Reid and Pelosi again now that we are clearly winning in Iraq as they can now be neatly be painted pink and as more interested in losing to AQ than supporting their country. They clearly donot believe in defeating our enemies but in surrendering to and appeasing them by rolling over on Israel and freedom. They claim to be for "human rights" but support losing to the biggest oppressor of human rights there is, radical islamo-fascism.
The Democrats have descended to a level of disgusting that is rarely seen but always just under their thin veneer, bordering on treasonous.


shoprat said...

Since the Iraqis won't support them they don't matter. To the Donks its votes, money and power. They get nothing of the sort from Iraq.

Tapline said...

I get so unnerved any time I read of the democrat verbage when it comes to the war in Iraq. They can be beheaded as well as others, bu they don't get the connection and it would take more than myself to convinced them otherwise. So, I just bide my time and wait for the votes to be counted and make myself known to my senators and Representatives..Hard as it is....I maintain and pray a lot.....stay well.....