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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Breaking News

Mitt Romney will endorse John McCain this afternoon and ask his delegates to back John giving him 1113 or 1116 depending on where you look with 1191 needed to clinch. This also gives the finger to Huckabee for prolonging the primaries and preventing John from getting his National campaign in order for the good of the GOP while the Democrats are facing a long, nasty, devisive race to the convention in August. Could this portend a McCain/Romney ticket? I for one sure hope so.


Gayle said...

I hope so too, Goat. They could use Romney's expertise in regard to economics.

What's Obama's expertise? All I know of so far is that he's good at making speeches.

Ron Simpson said...

It could also be in response to Huckabee's assaults on Romney's religion. I hate Huckabee more than I do Obama, but less than Hillary.

Goat said...

Gayle, along with Mitt's national organization and fundraising prowess.
Ron, you are probably right, Huckabee has been really nasty with his underhanded snark towards Mitt.