Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: Super Tuesday Eve

Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Tuesday Eve

I know only political junkies care about this stuff but there is so much movement in the electorate that noone really knows what is going to happen when the Conventions meet. Delegates are not set in stone and there will be much bargaining going on between tommorrow and then. I think Barack is going to beat Hillary, Democrats are waking up to who the Clintons are and why conservatives were right all along about the Clinton culture of corruption. They are running to Barack in droves now that Edwards is out.
I ask my readers that vote tommorrow to think about facing down Barack and not Hillary. Ted Kennedy passed the liberal torch to Barack and believe me he will run with it. I believe only Mitt Romney can beat Barack and bring the base together to work on the down ticket of local campaigns where I am seeing some very welcome signs in seats we lost in '06, money and strong candidates!
I think this will go to the finish at CPAC and the GOP conference between Mitt and John. Senator McCain and Governor Romney will get to make their case and Romney won the last CPAC straw poll a year ago.

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