Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: Some Good News Finally

Friday, February 08, 2008

Some Good News Finally

Finally the MSM has picked up on the massive fraud that is bio-fuels/ethanol and the increased environmental damage they cause. The NYT, WaPo and Usa Today picked up on a couple new scientific studies that show they do far more harm than good in reducing so called greenhouse gasses and that traditional fossil fuels are far superior. Now if the goal is to reduce dependence on foreign oil would it not make far more sense to develope our domestic sources of oil and coal both of which we have in abundance. If we were to revert every arable acre of land to ethanol production it would only replace 17% of the fuel we use and no telling what that would do to food prices.
Plus several prominent scientists say we are actually entering a period of global cooling throwing a few wrenches into Gore's little hysteria machine with record cold and snows around the globe. Gateway Pundit has been following that story for a while now.

1 comment:

Goat said...

to Permanently deleted commenter;
Sugarcane ethanol from Brazil is still imported fuel and is causing the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest for limited return. Other sources such as biomass and switchgrass could still never replace traditional forms of energy production simply because of the amount needed.