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Thursday, February 14, 2008

House Democrats Play Politics With National Security

The House of Nancy Pelosi would rather grill baseball players on steroid use and slap around Bush administration officials over attorney firings than pass crucial legislation needed to protect this country from terrorists, the FISA bill. I tell you what, I like John Boehner, our minority leader, more and more as he led the GOP in a walkout today, good on him. Bryan posted video at Hot Air and Michelle has been following the whole shebang closely, here and here.

Update: Amanda Carpenter has alot more on the trial lawyers that want to sue the phone companies the FISA bill seeks to protect and who they are giving millions of dollars to, the Democrats of course.


Gayle said...

Honest to goodness, Goat. Both subjects of this post make me so angry it's hard to comment rationally. I saw the video clip on television. Good for them for leaving!

Anonymous said...

Boy. Talk about the ultimate lobbyist.

Maybe we should try to make it a requirement that you have to give up your law license to become a member of Congress, and if you serve more than 2(?) terms(whatever the time period is that ensures retirement pay), you will be permanently barred from practicing law in the US.

I know. Fat chance...but more and more the legislators are more and more predominantly lawyers. That's not unreasonable - non-lawyers can really botch up laws because of inexperience, but the lawyers make the laws in such a way that they're the only ones who can understand them and who can twist them to their purpose - whatever that purpose might be.