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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In Obama's Words

Figures Hotair would have the embeddable clip.

First from an interview (video and transcript) with Matt Lauer on how us evil racist Republicans will attack him. To Baracks credit he actually defended the GOP as not playing the race card because many in the party would be offended by it and he is right about that. Then he said this. Via Newsbusters: "I don't think the American people would tolerate that. But I do think that you'll see exaggerations of my positions, that make me as some wild-eyed liberal." Well he is, maybe not wild-eyed liberal but a hard-nosed socialist radical and so are many of his followers that love Che, Hugo and Castro.
So here is another quote from Barack about his college days in the Ivy League. Hattip: Newsalert via Instapundit.

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.

Sounds like a Code Pinko rally to me.


shoprat said...

The truth is an exaggeration when it says what you don't want it to say. He is indeed a wild-eyed liberal.

Gayle said...

A far-right liberal for sure, Goat. Not wild-eyed though. He's much to careful for that! Well, I guess we will reap what we sew, and if the majority of the American public is proven to be so ignorant that they choose this guy as President (gag!) we will be in for a long, hard four years. Our military will be stipped almost to the bone, and that's just the beginning. It will take years to recover, if ever.