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Friday, February 08, 2008

Mark Steyn And John Bolton At CPAC: Updated

It is a real honor to be linked to by the very hot Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, here she introduces the always great Mark Steyn, view video here.
John Bolton, the mustashioed one.

Update: A sreadier version of Mark Steyn's speech can be found here.


Gayle said...

Bolton's right... worse is always worse! Duh. If you have a fire and you throw fuel on it, it gets worse. Sheesh! When is worse better? If something is made better, can it still be called worse? Of course not!

Please forgive me, Goat. I have a cold.

I couldn't watch the first video, the camera moved so much it made me dizzy. Congratulations though on being linked by Atlas Shrugs! Good for you! :)

Goat said...

Gayle, a better version of the Steyn video is available at the Townhall blog but it left out Pamela's intro.