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Monday, October 01, 2007

Clinton And The Ponzi Cons

There sure seem to be an awful lot of these con-artists and shady dealers giving huge amounts of money to the Clinton campaign as yet another one is uncovered.
Michelle has more here and while we are talking about corruption.


Gayle said...

She takes money from people running an illegal pyramid scheme, and tries to bribe voters with the idea that if she's elected she'll give every newborn child $5,000 to be invested so that by the time they turn 18 they'll have enough money for college, etc.

First of all, if that's not bribery I don't know what is, and secondly, there are many people out there who don't have a clue as to what to invest in and can lose the money. Is the government going to do the investing for the child too? But the bottom line is that it's obvious bribery and it should disqualify her. Of course, it won't!

Goat said...

Gayle, I saw that proposal was rejected by a 2-1 margin in a recent poll and it sure looked like a vote buying scheme right from the start. It is past time for a special investigation into the Clinton Crime syndicate for sure.

Jim Dandy said...

The Democrats have been involved in criminal acts and behavior going way back in time but still they are there in office. Case in point Teddy Kennedy murdering Mary Jo Kopechne, remember Chappaquiddick?

The Conservatives eat their own, meaning that if a Conservative tries to do anything not legit the Conservatives will get that individual removed from office the Leftist do not hold any value on Truth Honesty or any kind of Moral Values what so ever.

This is why the moral value of this country is slowly slipping into the gutter ie Abortion, Gay and Lesbian issues being forced down the American peoples throats and then we wonder why the Islamist want to kill us. They do not want that kind of values that the Leftist propagate in their country.

Anonymous said...

until we can get enough people to make it known that we're not going to continue to allow the msm to shield the clintonistas, this sort of thing will continue. sad commentary, indeed.

remember watergate? she WAS the one who was so concerned about the spirit of the law. well until it applied to her and her husband...

Goat said...

Heidi, didn't you know the Clintons are protected elite since they rose from the middle-class to power? Ha, Hillary is about as for me as Stalin was, I want the Feds out of my business and family, it needs to take care of roads and defense not resolutions about Rush Limbaugh.