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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Good News, What Good News, CNN/WaPo

We can't report the good news and terrorist blood only scandle and American blood. Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters has more.


Gayle said...

Sheesh! I'm a bit surprised that CNN pointed this out, Goat, but I'm glad they did.

Sooner or later they'll have to admit that things are improving. They can't surpress it forever without looking completely anti-American, which they already do. At least they do to me!

Anonymous said...

on the one hand it's amazing, but on the other hand, it's completely understandable...

the goal of the msm is to get control of the tri-fecta into the hands of the liberal democrats. and i specify the liberal in front of the democrats because never before in the history of our country have the democrats been so fully socialist. if that is the goal, then we can't possibly be accurate in our reporting of what's going on. if we tell the full story, people might come to understand that it is a fight worth fighting and one that we can win...

shoprat said...

Bad news is trustworthy and good news is not. That's the standard.