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Monday, October 15, 2007

Hillary Clinton's Largest Election Fraud In History

Gateway Pudit has more on the Peter Paul vs Hillary dust up with video and proof of her involvement in illegal fundraising.

* Number close to the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 44
* Number of convictions during his administration: 33
* Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
* Number of imprisonments: 14
* Number of presidential impeachments: 1
* Number of independent counsel investigations: 7
* Number of congressional witnesses pleading the 5th Amendment: 72
* Number of witnesses fleeing the country to avoid testifying: 17
* Number of foreign witnesses who have declined interviews by investigative bodies: 19

The Clinton machine now holds the record for the administration with:

* The most number of convictions and guilty pleas
* The most number of cabinet members to come under criminal investigation
* The most number of witnesses to flee the country or refuse to testify
* The most number of key witnesses to die suddenly
* The greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
* The greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad.

Lots more here.


Anonymous said...

goat, goat, goat. don't you know that all of this is just part of a vast right-wing conspiracy?!?

it's only illegal or questionable if it's a republican doing these things - otherwise, it's just fine. sheesh! i thought you knew all of this already :)

Goat said...

Oh I know Heidi, but we can hope she won't even make it to the primaries. Wouldn't it be sweet if both the Clinton's had to spend some time behind bars, I wonder if Martha Stewarts room is available.

Avi said...

If she is elected, we will all be living under sharia within 4 years.

Goat said...

LOL, she's pretty bad Bar but I don't forsee that, I forsee socialism not Sha'ria. She is politically too expediant for that.