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Friday, October 26, 2007

Hillary Chows And Hsus And Chinese Mafia, Oh My

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this Hsu business is really getting good, lots of heels, remember all those secrets the ChiComs were able to get a hold of in the '90s.
Lee Carey takes a closer look over at AmSpec .

When the Wall Street Journal broke the Yuan Yuen "Norman" Hsu story, some likened Norman to "Johnny" Chung and "Charlie" Trie, and wondered if the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) was passing money again to the Clintons. Now, with the Los Angeles Times' story about Clinton's fundraising in New York City's Chinatown, there's another question to consider: Is the Clinton campaign a target of Asian criminal groups looking for political influence?

Read the whole thing, the witch's web is wide.

1 comment:

Trader Rick said...

She has crazy eyes, don't she?