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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

War Progress

Jeff Emanuel has a must read two part series of posts up at American Thinker that are must reads and warns not to be to ready to declare victory and while optimistic points out that there is a tremendous amount of work to still be done. He has embedded twice this year for extended periods and fought in the '91 war.
Part one is here and part two here.


Tapline said...

It's hard to comment on something that a person has no first hand knowledge of....Of that I am guilty. I will however, offer an opinion, I read from this man's posts that he is not an optimist. He obviously thinks we could win if we had more men on the ground. I think this has been the opinion of many military professionals. However, the poweres that be will not allow that to happen. Why, well probably because the writer has stated in his post that one officer he spoke to said that this continual drain will break the army. Of Cours like everyone else its their opinion. I can tell yo that if it can be done with the troop level that we have them currently, at least the congress is contained. If casualtise rise they will start ranting again, and our soldiers have had their fill of that BS.....I ramble. stay well...

Goat said...

You make good valid points Tapline. We are at the crest of a razorback ridge at this point that could fall either way, cresting that ridge is only half the battle, the descent on the other side is more dangerous. Napoleon once said that "Victory is rhe most most danderous time of war". Jeff is an optimist if we can stick with it and paints the picture of what could happen if we give up and go home.
I think we finally broke the jihadi propoganda myth about our Forces, that was/is key, the hearts and minds are shifting to us finally.