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Monday, October 29, 2007

Hey Y'all: Updated

This Hillary video we've been posting has gone viral and is the most viewed at Google and Utube versions are also being hit alot. We can feel good knowing we helped get the snowball rolling, I have posted it several times and will again with this post. Dragon Lady has been leading with it for a few days now and Big Girl Pants posted on it on my lede and it is now wide spread. A small part but a part just the same. I believe the full length version has been released in New Hampshire, the swiftboating begins by the vast rightwing conspiriracy as she will say.

Update: Lots more here, the full DVD will be released Nov. 5 , here and here


Gayle said...

YAY! Good to know, Goat! I'm really bogged down in personal chores. It's going to be slowing down my blogging come Thursday. I may be able to post three times a week, and that's going to be about it, so would you please give me a head's up via e-mail if you find out how we can view the full version? Thanks!

Goat said...

YAY is right Gayle!