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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Obama's Global Poverty Act, Senate Bill 2433

This ludicrous bill sponsored and written by Barack Obama would give the UN an additional 845 billion taxpayer dollars above our current foreign aid to redistribute to kleptocrats and the world's poor is coming up for vote in the Senate after the July 4th break. I swear the Democrats are constantly complaining about crumbling infrastructure here in America but they want redistribute all that money to the nefariously corrupt thieves at the UN. It is not their freaking money, it is our hard earned tax dollars meant to run the US not the UN's to spend/waste as they see fit. How would the Democrats pay for this boondoggle? They would reach ever deeper into the American taxpayer's pocket with forced confiscation of the fruits of our labor, communism in a word.
Now I understand that there is brutal poverty in parts of the world but that is not the fault of the American worker nor his/her responsibility to pay for it. It is the responsibility and fault of corrupt dictators in those countries for the dismal living conditions of their citizens, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Kim Jong Ill of No. Korea come to mind. The world community can do more to help those in impoverished nations by supporting freedom and basic human rights than redistributing billions of dollars from free democratic nations to the kleptocrats of oppressive regimes or the UN. The old saying fits well here; teach a man to fish/farm and he feeds himself for life, give him a fish/grain and he eats for a day.
Hattip to The American Thinker which has more here and here. I also wrote about this a while back and pointed out some of the more disturbing parts of this bill such as UN control over US taxation to support this and support of the UN's plans to disarm private citizens. Here are some of the links from that post, here and here.
Contact your Senator and tell them to oppose this rape of the US taxpayer and US sovereignty


Gayle said...

This is outrageous, Goat. "Rape" is exactly right!

---- said...

Currently, U.S. global development policies and programs are scattered across 12 departments, 25 different agencies, and almost 60 government offices. Increased coordination is sorely needed to be effective.

The Global Poverty Act, S.2433, is an authorizing piece of legislation which sets a directive for those departments under the Secretary of State to create a plan to address the first United Nations Millennium Development Goal.

This bill is NOT an appropriating piece of legislation that would direct any new funds (or global taxes) to United States foreign assistance. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this legislation would cost less than $1 million to implement.

S.2433 does not prejudge what the strategy should be, only that a strategy should be created.

The Global Poverty Act does not subjugate the United States to the will of the United Nations. The strategy would apply only to those programs administered by the United States and the strategy would have complete Congressional oversight.

For more information on the myths related to this bill, please visit: http://www.bread.org/take-action...-fact-sheet.pdf.

For more information, you can easily read this bill at: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/qu...emp/~c110vneZOT