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Monday, October 13, 2008

From Obama's ACORN A Massive Voter Fraud Tree Grows

Hey it is the Chicago way, vote early and often even if you are dead, don't exist or have filled out dozen's of registration cards in multiple precincts. Obama learned well didn't he? ACORN has swamped officials in all key swing states with over a million new registrations with more than half if not more being proven fraudulent. This is getting extremely serious folks, Obama and his friends at ACORN are trying to subvert the very basis of our republic through outright fraud.

There have been over 50,000 fraudulent cards submitted in Pennsylvania alone and many thousands more in Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, Florida, North Carolina, etal. I have long been a proponent of having to present a valid ID when voting now maybe we should be dipping our finger in purple ink as well like the Iraqis have to do. The integrity of our electoral system must be preserved, period.

Obama is using every trick he has learned from his communist mentors to try and steal this election and thus the hard earned money of American taxpayers to usher in a new socialist state with him as its new czar and Pelosi and Reid as his parlimentarian henchmen. We CANNOT let this happen!!! I have no desire to live in a banana republic like Venezuela, North Korea or Cuba where the dear leader gets 100% of the vote through fraud and intimidation.


Anonymous said...

>>I have long been a proponent of having to present a valid ID when voting now maybe we should be dipping our finger in purple ink as well like the Iraqis have to do.>>

Heh. Agreed.

Doesn't solve the absentee ballots, though!

shoprat said...

I too like the idea of dipping our thumbs into ink to prevent multiple votings.

Goat said...

Suek, absentee ballots are a lot easier to check than ACORN driving busloads of people around to several precincts. One thing they could do with absentees would be to require a photocopy of their ID be included.