Obama Wants To Redistribute The Wealth Instead Of Rebuilding The Economy
He let it slip to Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth around" by taxing those who already pay the most taxes more to give to those that pay none or little. Now an interview from 2001 has been uncovered where he seems to lament that the courts had not done more to redistribute the wealth as part of the civil rights movement. He named his second book "The Audacity of Hope" after a sermon by Rev. "God Damn America" Wright that contained the words "white folks greed runs a world in need" and in another interview he said that white folks did not want to pay more taxes to help black kids. He loves to talk about how we should all be our brothers keeper but he has not lifted a finger to help his own brother out who lives in a slum in Kenya but he wants to give an additional 850 billion taxpayer dollars to the UN to fight global poverty. The man is a millionaire and he can't send his own brother twenty bucks but he wants us to. Why can't he spread his own wealth around? Via Hot Air where there is a partial transcript posted as well.
An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose wealth redistribution and see it for what it is marxist socialism and they reject it.
Obama wants to invest in schools but when he had his chance as chairman of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge that failed massively. He wasted 150 million dollars and did nothing to help the schools in Chicago improve. He did fund radicals like Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright though that believe schools should be hotbeds for racial and class grievance mongering for social justice and not learning institutions that teach kids the skills needed to actually make it in the real world.
"He wasted 150 million dollars and did nothing to help the schools in Chicago improve."
That's only true if you assume that improvement means improved reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. If you think that teaching children racial hatred and community activism in order to take over the government is a way to improve the schools, you might be wrong. In that, he and Ayers may have completely accomplished their goals.
It's funny how Obama keeps claiming he's not a socialist, but yet he agrees with all the definitions of socialism. But he and the liberal illuminati who work for him, just continue to skirt around the questions on socialism and will even lie if they have to. Beware.
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