Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: GOP Rep Heather Wilson Rips Dem Rep Robert Wexler And Chris Mathews A New One

Thursday, July 24, 2008

GOP Rep Heather Wilson Rips Dem Rep Robert Wexler And Chris Mathews A New One

Heather Wilson really struts her stuff on Hardball and completely shuts down Chrissy and the liberal Florida loudmouth that doesn't even live in his district let alone state. The video is here but requires real player and Newsbusters has the transcript.
Heather is facing a tough uphill battle to win the open Senate seat in New Mexico for the GOP so if you can send her a few bucks. She is a scrappy campaigner and from the sound of that video would be a great addition to our side in the Senate.


Anonymous said...

I thought this was a great thing..saw it on MSNBC. Awesomeness.

Gayle said...

$50 bucks here, $35 there, $100 elsewhere... plus the private charities, I'm afraid I'm out, at least until next month. There's a lot of good causes and campaigns out there. Whew!

But you're half right, Goat, Robert Wexler is indeed a liberal loudmouth, but he isn't a liberal Florida loudmouth. LOL! He's a liberal Maryland loudmouth who is pretending to be a liberal Florida loudmouth. Sheesh, the audacity and sheer chutzpa of some people. Even his cars have Florida tags on them. Sometimes Bill O'Reilly gives me gas, but he did a good job last night of tearing into this guy. :)