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Monday, July 07, 2008

Yep, The Brits Have Lost It

I saw this a couple places and it has drawn appropriate scorn. The PC police in Britain are now targeting toddlers for racism if they don't like food from a different culinary tradition from their own. You just can't make stuff like this up, from The Telegraph.

The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age...

The guide goes on to warn that children might also "react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying 'yuk'".

I guess that makes me one of the least racist people around then because I love to try foods from other countries, most I like. I love Asian cuisine, especially Thai and Japanese. Mexican is a dietary staple for me as is Italian and Cajun. I was raised on soulfood and I am white as it gets which is really just country cookin'. I guess my least favorite is that bland overcooked slop they offer as food at places like Hometown Buffet and some of that wierd stuff the French like to call haute cuisine. I am not a picky eater and from what Mom tells me I never have been, in fact I can think of only a couple things I flat out don't like that I have tried.
By the way what would be American food besides wild game roasted over an open fire and that is pretty universal?


The Griper said...

doesn't the saying go that mom's apple pie is american?

The Griper said...

shucks, how do toddlers even know that the food placed in front of them is a foreign food in the first place? most kids i ever met said they didn't like a certain food because of how it looks not where it originated from.

Trader Rick said...


The UK (uck) is a declining civilization and there seems to be some sort of weird mass insanity going on over there...

Trader Rick said...

How about POTATO CHIPS!!!

shoprat said...

This will prove that white children are born racist. At least to the minds of racists of other hues.

The Griper said...

racism born huh? that's an interesting thought, racism a part of the dna of whites while the other races learn racism. i kinda like that idea. lolol means we can say anything we want about another race or person and it isn't our fault but if they use racist ideas it is their fault.

could we apply that theory against libs?