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Sunday, July 13, 2008

How Obama Got Where He Is:Updated

It appears that Barack is much better at burning bridges than building them and has become very adept at turning his back on key constituencies once elected. He talks about a new kind of politics but has played the old school Chicago style of politics while accomplishing very little other than getting elected and that came because he got other candidates removed from the ballot so he ran unopposed in a gerrymandered district. Ryan Lizza has a long but interesting article in the New Yorker that details just how Obama got where he is today and its not a fawning piece but rather an unflattering look at Obama's rise through Chicago politics. It also shows him being much closer to convicted fraudster Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers and the Chicago machine than he lets on, he runs as an outsider but works as an insider. This has angered many of his former constituents and supporters who see him as just using them as stepping stones in his quest for power and an arrogant egotistical elitist willing to say or do anything in pursuit of that power. He is not a new kind of politician but just a typical old school far left radical with a soaring oratory when reading from a script. It is the unscripted moments that show just who he is as he umms and ahs and flops around on issues dependent on who he is speaking to, oftentimes not saying anything with a lot of words.
Update: Don't miss this great column on Obama's outsized ego by Jonah Goldberg, like his decision to deliver his acceptance speech at Mile High Stadium intstead of the Pepsi Center in Denver.

Obama says he wants to give the common folk more "access" to the process. Only a man with an Olympian's sense of entitlement to mass worship could describe such a choreographed descent upon a place called "Mile High" as an effort to bond with the common man. A demigod, it seems, is never so tall as when he stoops to bask in the adoration of the little people.


Gayle said...

Obama is such an arrogant snob. I'll be back to read the links in the morning. A movie just started that I want to watch. Hope you have a wonderful evening, Goat.

Trader Rick said...

I would NEVER let a movie interfere with my reading of the Barnyard!!! I would just record the movie...

Gayle said...

Yeah, right, Trader Rick. Who are you trying to butter up to? ;)

Anonymous said...

Go here and click on July archives. Unfortunately he doesn't have a search function, or a topic listing. He has some pretty damning articles and photos on Obama.
