The Loony Left Doesn't Get It
First they started the nasty rumor that Gov. Palin's little boy Trig was actually her daughter's which of course was easily debunked. They thought this would damage her image in the eyes of conservatives that clearly love her. Then the news is released today by the Palins that in fact their oldest daughter is five months pregnant is going to marry the father and bear the child with the full love and support of the family. The left thinks this will end her VP chances and conservative Christians will turn on her. They clearly do not understand us at all, we welcome the fact the young mom to be chose life over the left's preferred action of abortion and is taking responsibilty for the consequences of her actions. We absolutely will not turn on them but instead offer them all the love and support we can. Many families go through this and if anything it it will draw an even sharper distinction between the the candidates of the two Parties. Barack Obama famously said he would not want his daughters "punished" with a child should they make a mistake while the Palins welcome and support a new life coming into their lives and see the child as a blessing.
Many families in America will be even better able to relate to the Palins as they go through this joyous but difficult time. It will in fact improve Sarah Palin's image in the eyes of the pro-life community as she walks the walk. The nastiness coming from the left will further rally conservatives to her and increase our love and support for her and her family. Heck even Obama said people should back of from this sort of story and leave the children and families out of the campaign. The left does not get the conservative mind and they never will.
Well-reasoned comments, thank you. And yes, I agree. The more the left wants to push this non-issue over Bristol Palin's child, the more conservatives will protectively gather around this young woman caught in the middle of the pro-life, pro-choice controversy. Frankly, I think our time would be better spent discussing the increasing tension between Iran and Israel, or Russia and Georgia, but hey, that's just me:)
PS I'm Denise-Mary in case my name doesn't post. Not trying to be "anonymous" up here in Seattle.
Most likely Mr. Obama's maternal grandparents went through the same process as Mrs. Palin insofar as this issue is concerned.
You know, I am a Conservative Christian and I love the Palin family. I knew nothing of them before Friday and it seems I could have known them for years. To hear people talking down about them hurts on a very personal level. It makes me even more determined to make sure McCain wins in November.
Denise, Steeve, this what I have been hearing and reading from conservatives since this story broke. I knew we would be far more likely to embrace this young family and make sure they have everything they need than to reject them. We are about love, life and forgiveness not hate and rejection. I am sure if we had a way they would be inundated in baby related goods like diapers and formula.
Thanks for visiting and welcome to the Barnyard.
It just goes to prove that the Left really doesn't understand how the morality based community actually thinks. If they understood at all how we think they would look for something else to show us instead of this.
Goat, it's all just too funny! If Trig was actually her daughter's baby what would that say about Palin? That she is a loving mother who protected her daughter and is willing to raise her grandson? Wow! What a horrible person that would prove her to be! LOL!
The left doesn't understand us because the left is incapable of thinking clearly and they're also hypocrites. They are the ones who have liberalized the school system, are they not? Aren't they the one's that have taught our children that it's okay to have sex out of marriage? Indeed they are, but they also think there should be no consequences, so it would have been better if Palin's daughter aborted her baby! I actually saw a comment in the comment section of a Reuter's article referring to the daughter being pregnant that asked: "Why didn't she just abort it?" To these people, unborn babies are always "its".
You said "the left doesn't get the conservative mind and they never will." That's the truth, and it's also true that we will never understand the liberal mind. At least I know I wont! It is as foreign to me as if they had flown in on space ships.
Great post!
Guess they've also forgotten that it is the Left who made "shotgun weddings" go out of style...
and why it was a common expression in my _mother's_ time that "the first one comes any time - after that, they take nine months"...
Responsible people may make mistakes, and then take responsibility for their mistakes. Irresponsible people deny, deny deny...
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