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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Moonbat Slugs Hack Into Palin Family's Personal Email Accounts

Slugs are exactly what they are, crawling around in gutters leaving their slime trails wherever they go. This is of course a violation of Federal Law and the Secret Service and FBI will have these slugs put away where they belong in short order I am sure. I seriously doubt the Obama team had anything to do with this but I guarantee those who did are supporters of The One. Why else would they do this to the Palins? They posted emails, addresses and even cell phone numbers to not only Sarah and Todd but their children as well, this was beyond despicable. The left has zero shame and will do anything and I mean anything to gain power. Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, and Hot Air all have more but it is racing aroung the blogosphere at lightspeed. The McCain team issued a short statement condeming it and saying it had been turned over to the proper authorities and they would have no further comments on the matter.
This is a good reason why politicians especially those in the executive should not use email.


NYSmike said...

Yahoo News is like a pro-Obama website. Any surprise that the account Palin had was a Yahoo account.

Unknown said...

I think calling Anonymous a group of "liberals" is a stretch. More like bored 14 year olds.

They also hacked John Edwards's online office in Second Life, messed with Lindsay Lohan's Myspace page, etc. etc. etc. If they were liberals they wouldn't have messed with Edwards.

They're just a bunch of bored kids who get their jollies out of messing with people online. Palin gave them an opportunity by being lax with her Yahoo e-mail and using it for state business, so they went after her.

But to blame this on Democrats or liberals in general is to distort the reality of the group.

They hang around on the /b/ forum of 4chan.org if you want to see them for yourself. It's mostly a venue for making offensive jokes, posting porn, and playing pranks like this. Left-wing revolution it is not.

Goat said...

Rob, I called them moonbat slugs not liberals, you equated the term, not me. I said that I seriously doubted the Obama campaign had anything to do with this but he does rely on those "kids" to spread his message and spam blogs and radio stations.

shoprat said...

The group is non-political but the individual who is being questioned is VERY political. And he is disappointed because he found no incriminating evidence to use against her.

Anonymous said...

>>The group is non-political but the individual who is being questioned is VERY political.>>

It _appears_ that the perp is the son of a Democratic congressmember from Tennessee...

Tapline said...

Goat,,,Now let's see where it goes from here....20 year old?????Not the brightest bulb in the world.....A College student......We will see.....Good Post......