Fred Is Out: Updated
I don't believe he really wanted to run and then to get drafted to great acclaim and then crash and burn has got to be a little embarassing. He will not endorse anybody but I think most of his fans will migrate to Mitt since they are the closest on policy issues and Mitt has a real chance of winning. I also believe if he had run a better campaign McCain and Huckabee would have been nonfactors.
I hear Huckabee is out of money and may get out soon as well.
From the Romney campaign:
"Throughout this campaign, Fred Thompson brought a laudable focus to the challenges confronting our country and the solutions necessary to meet them. He stood for strong conservative ideas and believed strongly in the need to keep our conservative coalition together. Ann and I would like to extend our best wishes to Fred, Jeri and their family and congratulate them on their efforts during this campaign."
Update: Patrick Ruffini ran a poll over the last couple days since SC asking where Fred's supporters would go and the results are as I expected with nearly 5,000 responses.
Romney 74%
Giuliani 15%
McCain 7%
Huckabee 5%
Sidenote: I understand Fred's mother is seriously ill and in intensive care so my prayers are with them and urge my readers to do the same. I am sure this had something to do with his decision, it would be extremely hard to campaign effectively in that situation.
Update: Rusty at The Jawa Report, a serious Fredhead, has posted an open letter to fellow Fredheads to support Mitt because Mitt gets the threat of radical Islam and the need for border security in this age of jihad.
I will add, ignore national polls at this point as they had Reagan way back as well in 1980 and we know how that worked out, grin. I can say we will welcome you with open arms and a warm spot by the fire in the Romney camp.
Update: I never thought my Fredhead friends were defeatist but they are sure mopey. A question for them: If your star quarteback gets hurt do you forfiet the game or send in the next guy and play just as hard for him if not harder to win the game? We have a Super Bowl to win or we will have socialism forced upon us by judicial fiat and executive decree. I cannot pound this point harder, there will be at least three SCOTUS vacancies in the next term and if you care about social concerns that is the key. Do you want to let Hillary or Obama appoint the next three or four Supreme Court Justices? Go ahead and sit on your hands but I don't want to hear a damn peep out of you should that happen.
You are a gracious and wonderful man. I've seen a couple of conservative bloggers who were very exuberant and rude regarding Fred's being out. There are some conservatives out their who are unfortunately as rude and obnoxious as liberals.
Wow thanks Gayle, Fred is great guy and earned my respect and admiration even though I blasted him pretty hard earlier this summer. He would have made a great President and I will miss his contribution to the debate about the direction of the GOP. He is a good and true conservative and party man.
Yea there are some rude ones like the McCainiac I got in the mud with the other day that called me delusional for backing Mitt.
If Huckabee does bow out do you think he'll throw in for McCain? He seems to respect McCain the most when asked about the other candidates. It would be nice if the field were to be narrowed down before the final debate leading up to super Tuesday. Since you're all for Romney, any suggestions of a VP for him? Just curious.
TFF, because they are both more like moderate Dems than conservative Republicans. If Mike gets out I think his supporters will split pretty evenly though he will throw in for John hoping for the VP slot. I think Mitt would be very wise to choose a popular southern or midwestern Gov to share the ticket. Fred has said he doesn't want the VP or a cabinet position. Hugh Hewitt seems to think its Minnesota Gov Tim Pawlenty, former Florida Gov Jeb Bush would be the obvious choice if he wasn't named Bush. Mitt already has most of Jeb's old team on his staff there and Jeb's endorsement.I think Rick Santorum would also be an excellent choice to help unite the GOP base.
Rats! Now I have to scrape the Fred'08 sticker off the truck. He sure was a flash in the pan, eh? Now I guess all we have left is RINO ROMNEY. I can deal with that. Just call me a liberal, I'm on the bandwagon for Mitt--just don't call me late for that meat on the barbie!
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