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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Want To Discuss Issues

1-Win The War
2- Secure The Border
3- Appoint Constitutional Justices
4- Stop The Spending
5- Lower The Taxes

1- If we don't the rest don't matter.
2- See above.
3- This is the only way the President can have an impact on abortion and other issues dear to social conservatives and that won't matter if the above are not solved.
4- Do you want to saddle your kids and grandkids with socialist policies?
5- See above.


Anonymous said...

If I have to join Romney and the Liberal Republicans to keep the commies out of the white house, I'll do it!!!

Gayle said...
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Gayle said...

"Do you want to saddle your kids and grandkids with socialist policies? Not I, Goat!

I haven't heard even one of the Republican contendors for the WH mention one time the Democrat's plan to raise the gas tax 40cents per gallon within five years. That's in addition to the 18.4 cents pg we are already paying, for a grand total of 58.4 cents tax on a gallon of gas in five years by raising the tax eight cents each year. Gads! I would think that would settle it for a lot of people. They plan on waiting until 09 to try to get it through because they know Bush won't pass it. Fox News has it.

Ron Simpson said...

Personally, I think the economy is my number one issue. Lowering taxes and cutting Government wasteful spending is two. The GWOT is three. The secure borders is four and in this we need to do something abou the illegals here. I do not support blanket amnesty, but there is no way to round them up and send them home. To be honest I break with a lot of conservatives on the abotion issue. It should not be legislated at the federal level, but at the state, for one. But whereas I would not pay for an abortion, I don't see a way to stop them. For one thing, the anti-abortion activists have no plan to take care of the massive amount of unwanted children that will be the product of out lawing abortions. The social services and foster care system is overloaded and underfunded already. And people want to add to that burden? I just cannot see it. To end abortion we need to educate. We need to stop promiscous unprotected sex. To do that we need to change the moral fabric of our country. That starts at home with parents. But the Conservatives MUST have a plan to educate and convice the masses that unplanned pregnancy and unwanted children come from irresponsible actions and that people MUST stop those actions.
Hard to do, but that is where we must start.

Goat said...

Well said Ron and I am pretty much in agreement. I am prolife but it is way down on my list and don't think it should be illegal just limited as each states voters so choose.
I also don't think we can deport all the illegals and like the attrition approach, just remove the incentive to come here illegaly by enforcing the laws that exist and closing the borders with biometric IDs for visa holders.

Goat said...

By "it" I meant abortion.

Ron Simpson said...

I expanded on my comments here over at my blog.